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 Edito de la Revue VERRE - Avril 2006. Vol 12, n°2

Michel Gardes

Président de la Fédération des Chambres Syndicales de l'Industrie du Verre

Edito [Version française ]

Sustainable growth corresponds to a widespread awareness that there needs to be a balance between economic growth, respect for the environment and the citizen. International dramatic natural disasters, widely covered by the media, have given credence to the arguments used by scientists, the authorities and associations.

The glass industry is convinced that the environment is a priority. It has therefore taken guarantees and has been working in that direction for years.

It is sometimes useful to remember that glass is recycled, from glass packaging, of course, but also from construction, automotive and electronic waste. As far as the 1997/2005 Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it must be said that results at the end of this first period are in accordance with engagements.

As negotiations for the 2008/2012 quotas are already underway, our efforts must continue and all the more so as our industry will be asked to contribute heavily to the reduction of emissions and respect France’s commitment within the framework of the Kyoto Protocol.

On the condition that they are realistic, we must respect the objectives under discussion, otherwise the consequences would also be economic. Buying CO2 emission permits could prove very expensive.

In this issue of Verre, dedicated to the environment and recycling, Guy Tackels paints an overall picture of the situation of our industry in 2006 in respect to energy and the environment

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